Virginia experienced a devastating holiday weekend as ten individuals lost their lives in eight separate vehicle crashes, marking a grim conclusion to the summer season. The incidents spanned several areas, including Bedford, Caroline, Floyd, Henrico, Henry, Montgomery, Northampton counties, and the City of Lynchburg.
Virginia State Police reported that among the fatalities, there were two double fatal crashes. The first occurred on September 1 in Northampton County, while the second happened on Labor Day, September 2, in Henry County. Notably, both pedestrian fatalities took place in Caroline County on August 30 and in Lynchburg on September 1.
Colonel Gary T. Settle, superintendent of the Virginia State Police, expressed concern over the alarming rate of traffic fatalities, stating, “We continue to be on an unsustainable pace for traffic fatalities.” He urged motorists to prioritize safety by slowing down, wearing seatbelts, remaining focused on the road, and driving sober.
In an effort to increase road safety, Virginia State Police deployed all available troopers and supervisors throughout the holiday weekend as part of the nationwide Operations C.A.R.E (Crash Awareness Reduction Effort). The four-day enforcement period, which ran from August 30 to September 2, led to significant traffic citations: 3,078 drivers were cited for speeding, 1,376 for reckless driving, and 77 charged with DUI, including one for drug-related offenses. Additionally, 261 individuals faced penalties for hands-free law violations, while 463 were cited for seatbelt infractions and 105 for child restraint violations.
Overall, Virginia State Police managed a total of 797 crashes during this period, underscoring the critical need for safer driving practices.
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